A payday loan is a lump sum loan that gets you from one pay day to the next. You receive the money in one lump sum and repay it all at once on your next payday. Some people call it a payday advance because you receive the money you earned in advance of your payday.
Online payday loans are a great alternative for people with bad credit. Payday loan lenders don’t rely on your credit score alone. Since a payday loan is a short-term loan from one payday to the next, they don’t have to focus on your credit score and payment history.
Instead, payday lenders focus on your income, paydays, and whether you have a checking account for them to automatically withdraw the payment on your next payday. So yes, you can really take online loans for bad (poor) credit history.
Payday loans are legal in most states, but not all. Some states prohibit them including:
All other states allow them, but each has different rules and maximum amount (infographic) you can borrow.
Every cash advance loan lender is different, but in general, you can get funds within a few hours. If not, most payday lenders fund the loan by the next business day. You must have a valid checking account available for them to wire the funds to receive the funds quickly.
The requirements to qualify for a payday loan are much simpler than a traditional loan from your local bank. You must be at least 18 years old and meet these requirements.
Every payday lender has different requirements, but these are the basic requirements. Always read the fine print to see what other requirements a lender may have.